
Genuine Customer Testimonials

GOSLEEP® is how I stay comfortable when traveling!”

— Jennie Garth, US Weekly


In a hurry? Or outside the U.S.? CLICK HERE

“Thanks for inventing such a utilitarian and stylish flight sleep aid. These sleep masks are great for getting on a flight. Saved me yesterday!”

— Jacob Mosler

“I had the pleasure of sitting with Tom Parziale and Justin Baraglia on an airplane and they gave me the most beautifully comfortable nap setup. Great design by great people, thanks guys!”

— Nicola Berry

“I’m an Executive Assistant and travel constantly, including overseas, and my biggest issue was being able to truly rest during my long flights in order to be at my best when we landed. I must say, the GOSLEEP® Travel System has been a life saver. I do not want to overindulge in my praise (though I could) but this system is the only one that has EVER allowed me complete comfort, relaxation and privacy (love the mask!) in my 15 year career. You may think you have something similar…same as I did… Trust me, you don’t! Go for it and enjoy!”

— Nicole Rios


In a hurry? Or outside the U.S.? CLICK HERE

“I’ve tried at least 3 sleep masks from different companies and so far this is the best I’ve found.”

— Cole Swiniger

“…it was a lifesaver not only on the trans-Pacific flights but also on overnight bus rides, in hostels and even sleeping in airports…”

— Tomoko Schlag

“A tremendous product!”

— Muneer Moore, NFL Players Association


In a hurry? Or outside the U.S.? CLICK HERE

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